Is Grass Hopper Archimind Easy to Learn

The Airshell Prototype

This paper by Alessandro Liuti, Sofia Colabella, and Alberto Pugnale, presents the construction of Airshell, a small timber gridshell prototype erected by employing a pneumatic formwork.

Strained Grid Shells

In this paper by Gregory Charles Quinn, Chris J K Williams, and Christoph Gengnagel, a detailed comparison is carried out between established as well as novel erection methods for strained grid shells by means of FE simulations and a 3D-scanned scaled physical model in order to evaluate key performance criteria such as bending stresses during erection and the distance between shell nodes and their spatial target geometry.

Gridshell Structure

In this paper by Frederic Tayeb, Olivier Baverel, Jean-François Caron, Lionel du Peloux, ductility aspects of a light-weight composite gridshell are developed.

Active Bending

In this paper by Julian Lienhard, Holger Alpermann, Christoph Gengnagel and Jan Knippers structures that actively use bending as a selfforming process are reviewed.

Bend Timber Grid shells

In this paper by B. D'Amico, and A. Kermani, H. Zhang, a 'facilitating' numerical framework is introduced in which, for a given continuous reference shape, a geometrically similar discrete model is found by implementation of a six degree of freedom formulation of the Dynamic Relaxation method, to handle members bending and torsional stiffness.

The Ongreening Pavilion

The Ongreening Pavilion

This paper by John Harding, Will Pearson, Harri Lewis, and Stephen Melville, describes the work of Ramboll Computational Design during the design and construction of the Ongreening Pavilion timber gridshell.

The Segment Lath

The paper by John Haddal Mork, Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik, Bendik Manum, Anders Rønnquist, and Nathalie Labonnote introduces a kinematic gridshell principle built with the smallest possible module.

Super-Thin Anisotropic Gridshell

Super-Thin Anisotropic Gridshell

The paper by Roberto Naboni discusses the process of computational design, analysis and fabrication for a lightweight super-thin gridshell structure.

Geodesic Gridshell

Geodesic Gridshell

This paper by Enrique Soriano defines geodesic gridshells and discusses their suitability for scarce budgets and low-tech manufacturing of free-form shells.

Timber Gridshells

Timber Gridshells

In this context by Philippe Charest, André Potvin, Claude M. H. Demers, and Sylvain Ménard, there is a renewed interest in systems allowing the materialization of curved surfaces such as timber gridshells, which can be defined as shells with their structures concentrated in strips.

Weaving Physical-Digital Networks

Weaving Physical-Digital Networks

This Research by Tobias Wallisser, Gonçalo Castro Henriques, Amanda Ribeiro, Ronaldo Lee Menna addresses a local/global gap bridging local building technologies with algorithmic design and digital evaluation.

double-curved surfaces

double-curved surfaces

This study by Concetta Sulpizio, Alessandra Fiore, Cristoforo Demartino, Ivo Vanzi, and Bruno Briseghella, deals with the problem of form-finding of concrete double-curved surfaces.

shells of Heinz Isler

shells of Heinz Isler

This paper by Abtin Baghdadi, Mahmoud Heristchian, Harald Kloft has modelled and studied Isler's eight shells in the fnite element software, Abaqus, as a homogeneous section together with a composite layer to allow for assignment of re-bars of the reinforced concrete material.

Geometric Modeling

Geometric Modeling

In this paper Yang Liu, Helmut Pottmann, Johannes Wallner, Yong-Liang Yang, and Wenping Wang show how to optimize a quad mesh such that its faces become planar, or the mesh becomes even conical.

Voussoir Geometry

Voussoir Geometry

This paper by Matthias Rippmann and Philippe Block, discusses new ways of digitally generating voussoir geometry for freeform masonry-like vaults.

Masonry Vaults

In this paper by Lorenz Lachauer, Matthias Rippmann, and Philippe Block, a fully digital design process –from form finding to fabrication– for compression-only masonry shells will be presented.


LiABlock_3D by Lucrezia Cascini, Raffaele Gagliardo, and Francesco Portioli, is a novel software tool for the limit equilibrium analysis of masonry structures modelled as assemblages of three-dimensional rigid blocks subjected to live loads and settlements.

Voronoi Pattern

This work by Mara Capone, Emanuela Lanzara, Francesco Paolo Antonio Portioli, and Francesco Flore is aimed at designing an inverse hanging shape subdivided into polygonal voussoirs (Voronoi patterns) by relaxing a planar discrete and elastic system, loaded at each point and anchored along its boundary.

Timber Gridshells

Timber Gridshells

This thesis by Dragos Naicu, upon reviewing the design and construction processes of previous timber gridshells, puts forward a structural model that aims to represent the true nature and specifics of single and doublelayered timber gridshells.

The Airshell prototype

This paper by Alessandro Liuti, Sofia Colabella, and Alberto Pugnale presents the construction of Airshell, a small timber gridshell prototype erected by employing a pneumatic formwork.

Strained Grid Shells

Strained Grid Shells

In this paper by Gregory C Quinn, Christoph Gengnagel, and Chris JK Williams, a detailed comparison is carried out between ...

Multi-Machine Fabrication

Multi-Machine Fabrication

This paper by Benjamin Felbrich, Nikolas Früh, Marshall Prado, Saman Saffarian, James Solly, Lauren Vasey, Jan Knippers, and Achim Menges describes the integrated design process and design development of a large-scale cantilevering demonstrator, in which the fabrication setup, robotic constraints, material behavior, and structural performance were integrated in an iterative design process.

Double-Curved Form

Double-Curved Form

Christoph Klemmt and Rajat Sodhi propose a method of double-curved façade construction that utilises identical discrete panels during the forming process, which are then trimmed in order to align to the desired free-form envelope.

Discretized Growth

Christoph Klemmt, Igor Pantic, Andrei Gheorghe, and Adam Sebestyen propose a methodology of discretized free-form Cellular Growth algorithms in order to utilize the emerging qualities of growth simulations for a feasible architectural design.


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